Welcome to Spotlight Realtor Network!
The Premiere Productivity Coaching Program in California
Congratulations on making the decision to move your career
and production forward! We are so excited to begin working with you.
We realize that this is a commitment to improve your personal and
professional life and we don't take that lightly. In fact, we have a great
deal of respect for your investment of time and therefore will coach you to
the activities needed to achieve your goals and and hold you accountable
to those activities.
Our MISSION is to empower agents to build
through support, skill building, and accountability.
The job of the Productivity Coach is to educate, guide, direct, and motivate
you in building a solid foundation upon which you can build your career and
business as large as you choose. We complete this through COACHING AND ACCOUNTABILITY sessions held
in groups and 1-on-1 weekly. You will be provided FREE LEADS
What's my next step?​
Our first step is to figure out your goals and the reason you are here - your BIG WHY.
Then we will begin the process of building a business plan that you can follow and live by. As your Productivity Coach, I will support you with the implementation of your plan, including breaking through your limiting beliefs and helping you to shift your mindset to constantly thinking bigger. Skills, disciplines, strategies, and tactics will also be included.
"I want you to know I am committed to helping you through inspiration and motivation to keep
you growing, and in action toward accomplishing your goals."
From where you are, to becoming a huge success is our goal together, so we will be tracking all activities, especially lead generation, lead conversion, and bottom-line results.
Toward your success,
& Your Team at Spotlight Realtor Network

Foundational Coaching
Agents in the Productivity Coaching program are writing business within 2 weeks of joining!
We offer Listing Acceleration, Buyer Acceleration, and Contracts Acceleration boot camps, so that you can learn the basics at the highest level and get into business right away.
IGNITE! - a series of classes to teach you how to ignite your business and ACTUALLY SELL real estate. We know you have just been through the licensing courses, yet they hardly teach you about where to find leads, how to run your business financials and how to negotiate contracts. After taking IGNITE, you’ll be able to do the transaction from cover to cover and run your business at a higher level. IGNITE can be take in person or online with live instruction!
We will help you leverage the latest tech in real estate to run and build you business.
***For Keller Williams agents, this Productivity Coaching Program is100% FREE! We prefer to have happier and more knowledgeable agents, better compliance, less mistakes, and more money made into everyone’s pockets! Leads are provided for you for free! All technology is provided for you for free - this includes a whole new, industry best platform cloud, websites, marketing suites and systems, CRM, two award winning apps, and your first batch of professional business cards.

Concentrated Coaching for agents in production
We specialize in helping agents build their business and increase production through support with resources, business planning and accountability. Some of the topics and questions we frequently discuss are:
Do you have a business plan?
Where is it (what format)?
Do the tools you are using currently, support your plan and goals?
Are you on track for your goals this year?
Who supports you? How?
Who is the rabbit in your office?
Who do you follow or model yourself and business after?
Are there holes in your lead generation and lead follow-up tactics? What are they?
Would you like to build a team or expand your business to other areas?
What is your listings to buyers ratio?
What is your conversion rate from appointments?
Do you track your business? How?
Do you take vacations?

Coaching for the Top 20%
Agents who are doing massive amounts of business still hit ceilings, too! This program is for breakthroughs, creating systems and leverage, taking back your time, high level marketing and advertising, building your team through recruiting and hiring, expansion systems, and how to net a MILLION DOLLARS.